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Rumpus Shawl Recipe Class

$115.00 USD

Have you found yourself wishing you could have a lovely shawl to wrap around you like a cozy warm hug?   Are you feeling a little overwhelmed each time you try to look at all the choices for patterns and yarn and needles?

Let me help you get the shawl of your dreams with a simple recipe that will allow you to create with confidence! 

First session, January 25, we will learn about our “recipe” (pattern), look at samples and then have time to find the perfect yarn (or yarns) to begin your shawl. Bring a variety of needle sizes so we can wind your yarn and cast on! Before our next class, keep knitting!

Second session, February 15, will have us exploring the next section of your shawl. We will talk about lifelines and how to use them. We will have plenty of time to work on our shawls together so bring your questions and concerns and I’ll be here to help answer them. Before the next class, keep knitting!

Third session, March 22, will be a fun time of knitting together with our new friends. We will talk about options for binding off, but don’t worry if you’re not ready to bind off quite yet (I likely won’t be ready for that yet, either!). I will have some samples of various bind offs to help you decide how you want to finish shawl. We will also talk about washing and blocking your shawl

Need to bring: 

Knitting needles- If you know what size yarn you will be using, bring the needles that give you a fabric that you like. If you don’t know yet, fear not! Bring a variety of sizes. I would recommend a few needles sized from 4-10 (please don’t feel like you have to purchase all of these sizes of needles. If you happen to have 5, 6, and 8’s, bring those and all will be ok!) I like to use 32”+ cable needles. As your shawl grows, you’ll need the room. If you only have shorter cable needles to start with, that’s ok. Your shawl will start out with just a few stitches and slowly grow so you’ll have time to get a longer cable needle of the size you choose to work with.

Yarn- If you already have a yarn that you want to use for your shawl, perfect! Don’t forget to bring it along. If you don’t have yarn already, perfect! We will have time to look at the gorgeous selection of yarns at Three Moons Fiberworks. (Your yarn purchase will be separate from the cost of the Rumpus Recipe Class.)

Need to know before signing up for this very beginner friendly class:

  • How to cast on
  • How to knit
  • How to purl

*Don’t know how to knit, yet? Contact me about one-on-one knitting lessons and learn before the class starts!

I will provide:

  • Your Rumpus Shawl Recipe (pattern)
  • 4 Stitch markers